Posted on 4/30/2023
Coolant, also known as antifreeze, plays a vital role in regulating your car's temperature. Without it, your engine can overheat and cause severe damage. A coolant flush is a maintenance procedure that involves removing old coolant from the system and replacing it with new fluid. But is it necessary? Let's take a closer look. Why are coolant flushes important? Over time, coolant can become contaminated with debris and lose its effectiveness. A coolant flush helps to remove built-up rust, scale, and other debris that can clog your cooling system. Additionally, a coolant flush helps to maintain the proper pH balance in your engine, which can prevent corrosion and damage to vital components. How to tell if you need a coolant flush? If your engine is running too hot or you notice a sweet, pungent smell, it may be a sign that your coolant needs to be changed. Other signs that you may need a coolant flush include the following: Rust or sediment buildup in the coolant Low coola ... read more