Posted on 2/28/2022

This time of year is not ideal to have a malfunctioning heater core. NOw that it is mighty cold in Yakima, WA, we need to crank up our heaters as soon as we start our cars. If you haven't gotten your vehicle's heating/cooling system inspected recently, please do so to ensure your car's heater works. A heater core is somewhat like your radiator, and it is in charge of powering your heating and defrosters. When this critical component has problems, there won't be enough coolant traveling through your car, disabling your heat from blowing warm air. Below are some common signs that you've got heater core problems: Sweet scent coming through the vents - The core has a series of fluid lines for coolant to flow through. These passageways can break down over time and cause leaks. Fortunately, coolant is easy to detect with its syrupy smell. Foggy windows - The air that is heated by your heater core is supposed to defrost your windows. If you turn this setti ... read more